The Saveloy Factory - Stuart Pearson Wright : Journal

Had another sitting with Ollie which was interrupted by an unexpected visit from my brother Robert who was over from France on a business trip. He was on good form and gave Ollie and I an unprompted lecture on political thought which opened into a lively debate, myself keeping quiet. Didn’t manage to get much done. Still haven’t started working on the eyes or hair although of course the tonal values are already worked out in green monochrome. Just got to put on the colour

Dashed off to my girlfriend Hannah’s private view at the Woburn Gallery, Woburn Walk. On the way to the show I got a phone call from a journalist who wanted to speak to me about the BP Awards. He said that he knew I had been shortlisted for one of the prizes and that he had to interview all the shortlisted people in advance so that whoever the winner turned out to be, they had their story ready to go to press. I waffled on for a time about my feelings concerning the present state of affairs in the 'art world' then went on to the show. I confess I have not had much time to ponder the possibility of winning the prize lately with all that's been going on. Besides I have known for two months or so that I am shortlisted. I have had to get on with things. But the phone call reminded me again that it is tomorrow night and I felt a stir of nausea in my gut, in anticipation.

The private view was a lively gathering. My brother turned up, again on good form. He was the only person in a business suit and I imagine that everyone expected him to buy all the exhibits. He was rather taken by Hannah’s work. She uses smaller brushes than me.

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